Wednesday, September 29, 2010



When it comes time to discuss Price, the Seller establishes the “ceiling” with the “retail” price of the product. When presented with “your price is too high,” it is essential that the Seller respond with  questions. Consider the Protocol below. The goal is to understand the parameters of the negotiation – and the Buyer needs to set the “floor.”

A warning here. The Seller should never, ever throw the second (2nd) number. In doing this, the Seller ends up negotiating against himself/herself – a dastardly thing to do! If a Buyer resists providing a number, respond with... “I don’t mind negotiating with you but I can’t negotiate without you!”

Dealing with Price Protocol:

                       What should it be?
                       Why that number?
                       How flexible is that number?
                       How important is price in your decision-making process?
                       Besides PRICE, what else is important to you?
                       If I met your PRICE, what would you do?

Good Selling!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System.

Monday, September 13, 2010



We’re in cold-call mode. We need to start “dialing for dollars.” So, we head to the phone and start punching.

But, wait! Making a “naked phone call” is like breaking and entering. We Interrupt someone we don’t know – we’re certainly not invited. And, we want their money! Who created this system of cold-calling? Never, ever do this again.

Consider sending a “Floating Letter” in advance of that phone call.

Here’s how it works:

∙ Identify the person at the highest level at the company you want to reach.

∙ E-mail, fax or snail-mail the Floating Letter.

∙ Follow-up by telephone within one (1) working day.

∙ If you’ve targeted the right person, they know why you are reaching out and you’re in the right place to start selling.

∙ If it’s not, ask that person who is the correct target. Then, ask “when will the Floating Letter get to that person’s desk?”

∙ Now, your sales inquiry comes from within the company and from above. How cool is that?

Here’s a Floating Letter I’ve been using:

Your assistance is requested.

The SELL like HELL℠ Sales System Training has been presented to companies in numerous industries throughout the United States. Sales skills and question-based, SLH℠ enables the Seller to get to “I’M NOT INTERESTED” as quickly as possible. The Training has been endorsed by sales managers and staffs, including veterans and rookies, for its simplicity, practicality and effectiveness for all types of products and services.

At this point, I am interested in discussing the likelihood of presenting the Training to the XYZ Company sales staff. Your guidance in establishing where, and with whom, I might begin would be greatly appreciated. What is the possibility that you could provide a starting point for me?

In advance of my call, you may wish to log on to WWW.SELLLIKEHELL.COM to find out more about SLH℠. Make certain you click on the “Perfect World Index” exercise.

I will be in touch shortly.

Thank you.

Give the people you want to contact the opportunity to know why you’re calling. In a future Morsel, we’ll see how this method helps in getting to “I’m not interested” as quickly as possible.

If you wish, feel free to reach out and I’ll share some thoughts and other ideas that might make sense for you.

How’s that sound?

Good Selling.

SLH℠ Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH℠ Sales System.