Thursday, October 28, 2010



How hard is it to make a cold-call? Imagine this. You enter an office where you’re not known. The person you’re seeing has a ton of other, more important, things to do and the odds are overwhelming they are getting what you’re selling from another source. Not a pretty picture.

At this point it is essential to “open” the call in the most powerful way possible. Too often, Sellers react by talking a lot – and usually about themselves, their company and the product line. Instead of doing this we would be better off asking our way through the sales process than telling our way through it.

You may recall that a Protocol is a set of prepared questions. An “Igniter Protocol,” is a set of questions used to “open” a cold-call.  These are questions that pertain specifically to the product you sell and for the industry in which you sell.

Try building your own Igniter Protocol with these parameters:
                       * You are meeting with the decision-maker.
                       * Neither the decision-maker nor the company has ever done business with your company or you.
                       * You have the opportunity to ask ten (10) questions – the meeting is over after the 10th question.
                       * All questions must be open-ended, using “WHAT,” “WHY” or “HOW.”
                       * Generic questions like “how are you?,” although important, don’t count.
                       * Don’t worry about the answers, just the questions.
                       * After you create the questions, put them into the sequence in which they will be asked.
                       * A Protocol should be “fluid,” always changing for the better. Keep working it.
                       * Memorize the Protocol and you’re ready to go.

If you wish, forward your Igniter Protocol for posting on the SLH Blog. Or, send it directly to me and I’ll be happy to take a look.


Good Selling!


SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System. To be removed from distribution list, simply reply accordingly.

Monday, October 18, 2010




Good listening skills are essential for successful selling. No doubt about it.

How do we become a better listener? How well do we listen while under pressure? How accurately are we understanding what’s being said while cold-calling the “Big Cheese?’ How are we affected knowing that there is a Sales Manager waiting apprehensively and expectantly back at the office? Sounds scary just thinking about it!

What we’re talking about is being able to “mentally multi-task.” It’s one thing to have a colorful power-point presentation, quite another to be able to perform on-the-fly.

Although it might seem counter-intuitive, we can actually listen more effectively by asking better questions. Knowing what questions we’re going to ask – before we get there – will liberate us to focus fully on listening. Having “Protocols” enables us to do just that.

A Protocol is a set of prepared questions – not a script, but a guideline – used to fully understand a Buyer’s needs, concerns and objections. Sellers need to practice and memorize their Protocols.

Depending upon how the Buyer responds we either continue with our Protocol or choose to “Follow the Buyer.” With Protocols we “ask and then listen.” When we “Follow the Buyer, we “listen and then ask.”

Remember, we can always talk our way out of a deal, but never listen our way out of one!

Good Selling!


SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System. To be removed from distribution list, simply reply accordingly.

Sunday, October 10, 2010



I find it interesting that so much of traditional sales training – what I call “Urban Sales Legend” – focuses on the Buyer. And, a lot of that topic focuses on “reading” the Buyer’s “body-language.” That, then leads into what a Seller should do as a result of that interpretation, conclusion or guess.

So, what does it mean when a Buyer sits forward? It could mean that they’re interested. Or, that it is a “buying signal” and that they’re really interested. Or, it could mean a myriad of other things, none of which you’ve considered.

So, what can a move forward mean? That their back hurts, that they can’t hear well. Maybe they’re just in disbelief at what the Seller said or didn’t say.
What if our assumption about that Buyer’s action takes us farther from the truth? What if what we think gets in the way of reality? How many of would prefer to think we’re right than know we’re wrong? The answer to that question will determine what kind of a Seller we are and can be.

The simplest – and most logical and rational – way to determine what someone is thinking or feeling , is to simply ask them. Ask them “what’s going on?” or “what do you think?”  Or “how much sense does that make?” They will tell you.

Get out of the guessing business and into the asking business.

Good Selling.

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System.




They say it’s tough to teach old dogs new tricks. And, this is especially true for veteran Sellers. How often do we let what we know – or think we know – get in the way of what we need to know? Too often we think we know it all. We may think we’re smarter than our Buyer. Or, that “we’ve seen it all” or “experienced this before.” Unfortunately, this mind-set can negatively impact what we do and how we do it.

Often Sellers go into calls with assumptions and presumptions about the Buyer and what may happen. It doesn’t make sense but it happens all the time. This position is magnified by Sellers spending time doing intensive research (usually on the Internet).

What if we took the opposite approach? What if we checked all of our assumptions at the door? What if we strove to be “Empty-Headed” on all of our sales calls? No research, no assumptions.

I frequently encounter push-back when I suggest that we minimize, if not eliminate, doing research before a call. What’s more valuable – primary information from the Buyer, or secondary information from another source? The most accurate information we can receive is directly from the Buyer. Save a lot of time, prepare to ask the right questions and listen well. Buyers will tell us what we need to know about their business and them if we simply ask.

Being “Empty-Headed” means:

                       Be prepared to be surprised.
                       Even though I know the answer, I still ask the question.

An example. I have been involved in the sales and marketing of sports tickets for a very long time. And, a long time ago, this question emerged:

                       “If you had tickets, how would you use them?”

Through experience I am very familiar with how tickets are used. But, that’s not the point. The usage of the tickets by this Buyer is what’s most important. I continue to use and teach this question because, being Empty-Headed, I’m anxious to hear their plan for the tickets.

So, don’t let what you think – and think you know – get in the way of reality.


Good Selling!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System




So, a stranger barges past security, rushes past the receptionist, ignores the gate-keeper and enters the office of the “Big Cheese.” And, wanting money. Wow! Sounds like grounds for a perp-walk followed by a long trial. This could also be the definition of making a cold call – appearing uninvited and looking out only for #1!

Making a cold-call can be difficult, uncomfortable and sometimes incredibly awkward. As discussed in an earlier Morsel, using a “Floating Letter” (#6) paves the way to an easier transaction. That being said, there is the moment when the decision-maker picks up the phone and says “hello.” Too many Sellers start talking and continue until running into something!

The top of the call should go like this:

1. Tell ‘em who you are -- “This is David Rubinstein. I’m the Sales Trainer who dropped you a note yesterday.”

2. Tell ‘em why you’re calling -- “I would like to take a few minutes to talk to you about your Sellers’ strengths and areas of improvement.”

3. Ask for permission to talk -- “Is this a good time or bad time to talk?”

At this point be prepared to:

                       Begin asking open-ended questions.


                       Set an appointment for another time.

Either way, you’ve established the next step to move the sales process ahead.

Be clear, be professional and be honest about your intentions. It’s the only way to do things.


Good Selling!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System.




I wish I had a nickel for every cold-calling Seller who wants to know how to get a Buyer to return a voice-mail message. And, there is nothing worse than a “serial message-leaver” -- the theory being that persistence will prevail. Some Sellers have told me that they have left more than ten (10) messages without a return phone call. Remember, that doing the same thing the same way each time and expecting different results is one definition of insanity.

There may be no magic answer here but there are a number of things to consider:

                       While talking to the receptionist be sure to ask for the direct telephone line of the decision-maker you are seeking.

                       Ask for the cell phone number of the decision-maker. Many Sellers are reluctant to do this because they wouldn’t want their cell number to be given. That is beside the point. And, there are no cell-phone police -- nothing untoward will occur. A good way to ask  is “WHAT’S THE BEST WAY TO REACH MR. JONES WHEN HE IS OUT OF THE OFFICE?”

                       Ask the gate-keeper for guidance. Sometimes, simply saying that you just want to know whether the decision-maker wants to talk to you and asking for assistance in determining that can get an answer -- one way or the other.

                       You may recall from an earlier Morsel just how powerful the Floating Letter can be -- the decision-maker knows exactly why we’re calling. Then, follow-up with a phone call -- maybe 3 times -- at different times during the next couple of days, not leaving a voice-message. Only after that will I leave a voice-mail message and it’s the only message left. Good time management requires that there is a point at which we must move on.

                       When you really need to get someone’s attention, try doing what I did a long, long time ago. I wanted to make certain that this person knew I was serious and prepared. I created a 3 minute video-tape clearly expressing my goals which resulted in a partnership that’s lasted 27 years -- with my bride! Now, that was an all-world sale!

If someone is not interested in returning a call, they won’t.

What do you think?

Good Selling!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind made without the written permission of SLH Sales System.



So much is said and written about the need to “connect with” and to build relationships with our Buyers. Urban Sales legend tells us that upon entering an office, to look at the pictures on the wall, perhaps find a university degree or something that connects you to the Buyer – hoping that their likes might be our likes.

Pure hogwash! What if there is no common thread in our lives and experiences? Maybe we should just leave!

Business doesn’t work that way. Business is based on understanding Buyer needs, which when fulfilled, lead to results.
Real business relationships are nurtured and develop over time. Real business relationships are built on our ability to perform for that Buyer, regardless of how performance is defined.

A few years back, I was riding with a Seller – let’s call him Steve – in the rental equipment business. On a rainy Tuesday, we called on a construction company, one of his better clients. Steve’s normal contact wasn’t in but we were fortunate to spend a few minutes with the president of the company. Out of the blue, the president asked if Steve had a 20,000 pound crane for rent. The answer was no. I then asked when he would need it and for how long – next Tuesday and four (4) days were the answers. Steve perked up because he knew a guy who rented this type of crane and volunteered to reach out and arrange the transaction.

Well, Steve didn’t make a penny on the transaction but was able to build a foundation of a real business relationship. He was now the “go to guy.”

Remember it’s performance that counts. Not, whether there’s a fish on the wall.

How’s that sound?

Good Selling.

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System. Morsels edited by Jim Olson.



We Sellers talk too much! And, you can look it up!

How many of us have experienced that awkward silence following a suggested solution to a problem and the Buyer looks at us like we just landed from Mars?  We thought the idea was the greatest ever but we’re just left hanging.

When a Seller experiences this silence, the worst thing possible is to continue talking. But you could do one more thing – introduce a “Chaser.” Chasers are open-ended questions that follow a statement of fact or opinion. They are simple, really cool and extremely effective. They shut us up and allow the Buyer to respond and let us know what they think and feel.

My  favorite Chasers are:

                       How’s that sound?
                       How about that?
                       What do you think?

You can also use:

                       How close is that to what you were thinking?
                       How much sense does that make?
                       How fair is that?

So, continue to think up creative solutions and always use Chasers.

How’s that sound?

Good Selling.

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System. Morsels edited by Jim Olson.



I use video-tape role-play during Sales Training the way high school and college coaches use film  – back in the day –  and video when working with their athletes. Video allows the Trainer/Sales Manager/Seller to:

                      Capture what’s happening
                      Analyze what’s happening.
                      Prescribe what needs to change.

You can also audio tape your telephone calls – not the listener, just the Seller (as there may be legalities involved). The same analysis and benefits are derived.

It is incredibly difficult to make change in a vacuum. Begin taping your Sellers right away and they’ll appreciate your guidance and understand clearly what needs to change. Remember, seeing is truly believing and “tape don’t lie!”

Go ahead and try it and let me know how it goes.

How’s that sound?

Good selling to you.

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System. Morsels edited by Jim Olson.



Sales is a “race to need.” The quicker we understand what the Buyer needs, the easier our job becomes. So, how do we determine what our Buyers need? We ask questions.

There are two (2) types of questions:

                      Open-ended – which invite an “expansive” response.
                      Close-ended – which result in “yes-no” responses.

How we craft our questions determine the quality of the responses.
The use of these three (3) question words will guarantee an expansive response:

                      WHAT, WHY & HOW.

                      These words “invite” dialogue into the conversation, thus they are called “Inviters.”

Four (4) other question words can assist, as well.

                      WHERE, WHEN, WHICH & WHO.

                      Because these words result neither in an expansive nor a yes/no response, they are called “Tweeners.”

On the other hand, there are twenty four (24) question words that result in a yes/no response:


                      These words often “shut” down dialogue, thus they are called “Shutters.”

Without thinking, most Sellers’s default questioning mode is stuck on Shutters. Don’t ask me why, it just is. Pay attention to the words other Sellers and Managers use – and yourself – and you’ll see what I mean.

It makes a lot more sense to use Inviters. Asking open-ended questions work well for Buyers and Sellers. Buyers are able to tell us clearly the issues they face in their business. And, the Seller benefits by listening and understanding. Open-ended questions enhance the overall dialogue between both parties.

So, steer away from those awful Shutters and focus on using Inviters (and Tweeners).

How’s that sound?
Good Selling to you!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System. Morsels edited by Jim Olson.



The biggest problem I face going into a Sales Training session is “push-back” from the participants. Common responses include:

                       “Why do I need training?”
                       “This is going to take me out of the field for two (2) days!”
                       “I’m the leading Seller on the staff!”
                       “I’ve been through this before!”

In order to combat this, I spend telephone time with Sellers prior to arriving, figuring a little relationship-building can go a long way. And, to a large degree this is effective.

But, the real problem is people rarely want to change how they do things. It’s easier not to change. This is taking the “path of least resistance.” For the life of me, I can’t figure out why people don’t want to improve themselves and what they do. Or, that they figure things can’t possibly be any better.

There are two (2) instances, though, when we eagerly embrace change:

                       When it happens to someone else!
                       When we make a cold-call. There is an expectation that just because we stop by or make a telephone call, someone we don’t know will change what is being done to buy from us. How weird is this?

Some things to consider:

                       No matter what you did yesterday, the odds are great you’ll do it the same way today. And, the odds are greater you’ll do it the same way tomorrow.
                       The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, the same way and expecting different results.
                       It’s what you learn after you convince yourself that you know it all that’s most important (attributed to John Wooden).
                       The point is not how good you are, but how good you can be.
                       Effective Sales Training is not about the business you got but “about the business you don’t got.”

There are three (3) steps in change:

                       Intellectual. We are presented with an idea and say, “Hmm!”
                       Trial. We owe it our Company, Manager and ourselves to make an attempt at something different.
                       Expectations. Unfortunately, if we don’t get the results we want (almost) immediately, we revert to what we’ve always done. See, “path of least resistance.”

Change should be embraced in all facets of life – especially in sales. Because, after all, what are the odds that no matter what you are doing, it can’t be done better?
If you wish, feel free to reach out and I’ll share some thoughts and other ideas that might make a difference in your sales effort.

How’s that sound?

Good Selling!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System.



In a perfect sales world, Sellers are, well, perfect. Talk about expectations!

So, how do we evaluate the effectiveness of Sellers? What is the measuring stick? Most managers evaluate success solely by the revenue we generate. But, its one thing to look at the results. It is quite another to prepare ourselves and our Sellers for everyday tasks and development.

Take this little test – “The Perfect World Index.” Consider it a mirror into which we can see ourselves and ask “How am I doing?”

What percentage of the time do I or my Sellers....

1. Have, and implement, a plan for the sales call?    _____%

2. Know what questions to ask in advance of the meeting? _____%

3. Ask those questions when in the meeting?   _____%

4. Open strongly and effectively?   _____%

5. Get to the decision-maker?  _____%

6. Understand the client’s decision-making process?  _____%

7. Determine exactly what the customer needs?  _____%

8. Ask for the order in an effective manner?    _____%

9. Add-on effectively? _____%

10. Able to deal with legitimate objections? _____%

11. Along with the buyer, agree on the next step?  _____%

12. Follow-through in a meaningful way? _____%

13. Manage time effectively? _____%

14. Ask for referrals?  _____%

15. Able to differentiate themselves from the competition? _____%

TOTAL _____%

Now, add it up and divide by 15 and the result is your Perfect World Index. If the number is more than 85%, things are going swimmingly. Otherwise, there is ample room for improvement. How much better can you be? How much better can your sellers be? And, what is being done about it?

If you wish, feel free to reach out and I’ll share some thoughts and other ideas that might make a difference.

How’s that sound?

Good Selling!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System.



We’re in cold-call mode. We need to start “dialing for dollars.” So, we head to the phone and start punching.

But, wait! Making a “naked phone call” is like breaking and entering. We Interrupt someone we don’t know – we’re certainly not invited. And, we want their money! Who created this system of cold-calling? Never, ever do this again.

Consider sending a “Floating Letter” in advance of that phone call.

Here’s how it works:

                      Identify the person at the highest level at the company you want to reach.
                      E-mail, fax or snail-mail the Floating Letter.
                      Follow-up by telephone within one (1) working day.
                      If you’ve targeted the right person, they know why you are reaching out and you’re in the right place to start selling.
                      If it’s not, ask that person who is the correct target. Then, ask “when will the Floating Letter get to that person’s desk?”
                      Now, your sales inquiry comes from within the company and from above. How cool is that?

Here’s a Floating Letter I’ve been using:

Your assistance is requested.

The SELL like HELL Sales System Training has been presented to companies in numerous industries throughout the United States. Sales skills and question-based, SLH  enables the Seller to get to “I’M NOT INTERESTED” as quickly as possible. The Training has been endorsed by sales managers and staffs, including veterans and rookies, for its simplicity, practicality and effectiveness for all types of products and services.

At this point, I am interested in discussing the likelihood of presenting the Training to the XYZ Company sales staff. Your guidance in establishing where, and with whom, I might begin would be greatly appreciated. What is the possibility that you could provide a starting point for me?
In advance of my call, you may wish to log on to WWW.SELLLIKEHELL.COM to find out more about  SLH. Make certain you click on the “Perfect World Index” exercise.

I will be in touch shortly.

Thank you.

Give the people you want to contact the opportunity to know why you’re calling. In a future Morsel, we’ll see how this method helps in getting to “I’m not interested” as quickly as possible.

If you wish, feel free to reach out and I’ll share some thoughts and other ideas that might make sense for you.

How’s that sound?

Good Selling.

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System.



It’s amazing how often I hear Sellers complain that they get strung-along by Buyers – partners have to talk to other partners; spouses have to talk to spouses; committees need talk to committees. The Seller doesn’t know how to proceed and the sales momentum peters out – a “sales black-hole” is created.

But, the problem may be us. Let’s help our Buyers advance the sales process and create a framework in which we can all work together.

It is essential to always establish a “next step” in the sales process. This next step should be articulated by us, confirmed by us and memorialized by us.

                       The easy part. Establish the next step by asking, “What’s the next step?”  (Really!)
                       Then, confirm with “Let’s do this.....How’s that sound?”

                       Then, in writing with a “Next Step Scenario Memo.” Send this via fax or e-mail immediately following our telephone call/face-to-face meeting. It goes like this:


                       Thanks for your time.
                       I (the Seller) am going to ......
                       You (the Buyer) are going to .....
                       We are going to ......
                       How’s that Sound?
                       Again, thanks.

It’s possible that the Buyer may not be tasked with an action all the time. Or, that there may not be joint action required. But, the Seller’s next step must be included 100% of the time.

Oh, one more thing. The next time a Buyer tells you that they’ll get back to you, ask this question...

                       “If I don’t hear from you by when, when should I reach out to you?”

And, you’re on your way.

What do you think?

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System.