Saturday, April 21, 2012




What was the last thing you changed about the way you sell? Most Sellers have to think very hard and long to honestly answer that one. I’ve found that folks change only when forced to – and, that’s a shame.

Most Sellers with whom I work don’t want to be in the training room. There are a million reasons to be negative about Sales Training and I’ve heard my fair share over the past 17 years. Lots of Sellers come down with the “training flu” at curious times. Believe me, it’s not hard to identify the “dark clouds”  dressed as Sellers.

Why do people get “stuck?”  Why do we figure that “we know it all?” Why all the push-back? What’s the down-side?  What can we gain by at least considering change? People get weird when confronted by change. And, very suspicious.

If someone asked why you sell in a particular way and your response is, “because I always do it that way,” you may be a candidate for a brand-new mirror. Take a look and ask yourself , “how much better can I be and how much real work will it take to get there?

Now, about being a “yeah-but.” These are folks who agree with you... but, really don’t. Their intent is merely to shine you on and then go into defensive mode about what they think and do. Everything they say preceding the conjunction, “BUT,” is thrown out the window – it doesn’t count and is neither respected nor considered. What follows the BUT is really what they mean. At the very least, these folks could say “yeah...AND...” This shows a modicum of respect for the other person’s opinion and may lead to real consideration of an alternative way to do things.

I think people need to consider what they normally don’t. It takes tremendous effort but the results can be amazing. Perhaps it proves that your methodology is sound and makes sense. Or, that you gotta do something different – right now. We learn about life and ourselves by simply considering alternatives.

Go ahead and make a commitment to make a change this week – no, today –  about the way you sell. After all, what are the odds that no matter what you’re doing, it’s the best it can be done?

What do you think?

Good Selling to you!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System. To be removed from distribution list, simply reply accordingly.

Thursday, April 5, 2012




If you’ve ever witnessed Little League Baseball, you’ve seen a perfect example of how subtle, yet powerful, words can be.  As the player steps into the batter’s box, how often do you hear the coach say, “don’t swing at a bad pitch.” The kid actually hears, “DON’T.”  How much more affective would it be for him to just say, “hit the ball hard?” Or “DO something good?” It certainly seems that would be a much more productive instruction.

We have to be so careful about what we say. Once it’s out there, there’s no getting it back. If you’ve ever said anything and immediately thought, “ruh-roh,” then you know what I mean. And, those become very big things – ask any politician. 

There are many opportunities to be positive every Selling day.

Instead of asking:       “What’s holding you back from placing an order?”
We could ask:             “At what point do we move ahead?”

Instead of asking:       “What obstacles are there in this deal?”
We could ask:             “What would have to happen to move ahead?”

Instead of asking:       “Why wouldn’t we proceed?”
We could ask:             “How ready are you to proceed?”

Instead of asking:       “Besides you, who else will be involved in the decision-making process?”
We could ask:             “In addition to you, who else is involved in the decision-making process?”

Remember that “How about..?” is the same as “Why not...?” Except a lot more positive and incredibly stronger!

What do you think?

Good Selling to you!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System. To be removed from distribution list, simply reply accordingly.