The biggest problem I face going into a Sales Training session is “push-back” from the participants. Common responses include:
“Why do I need training?”
“This is going to take me out of the field for two (2) days!”
“I’m the leading Seller on the staff!”
“I’ve been through this before!”
In order to combat this, I spend telephone time with Sellers prior to arriving, figuring a little relationship-building can go a long way. And, to a large degree this is effective.
But, the real problem is people rarely want to change how they do things. It’s easier not to change. This is taking the “path of least resistance.” For the life of me, I can’t figure out why people don’t want to improve themselves and what they do. Or, that they figure things can’t possibly be any better.
There are two (2) instances, though, when we eagerly embrace change:
When it happens to someone else!
When we make a cold-call. There is an expectation that just because we stop by or make a telephone call, someone we don’t know will change what is being done to buy from us. How weird is this?
Some things to consider:
No matter what you did yesterday, the odds are great you’ll do it the same way today. And, the odds are greater you’ll do it the same way tomorrow.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, the same way and expecting different results.
It’s what you learn after you convince yourself that you know it all that’s most important (attributed to John Wooden).
The point is not how good you are, but how good you can be.
Effective Sales Training is not about the business you got but “about the business you don’t got.”
There are three (3) steps in change:
Intellectual. We are presented with an idea and say, “Hmm!”
Trial. We owe it our Company, Manager and ourselves to make an attempt at something different.
Expectations. Unfortunately, if we don’t get the results we want (almost) immediately, we revert to what we’ve always done. See, “path of least resistance.”
Change should be embraced in all facets of life – especially in sales. Because, after all, what are the odds that no matter what you are doing, it can’t be done better?
If you wish, feel free to reach out and I’ll share some thoughts and other ideas that might make a difference in your sales effort.
How’s that sound?
Good Selling!
SLH℠ Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH℠ Sales System.
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