Sunday, October 10, 2010



Imagine a sales world where you are a welcome guest.  A world where the Buyer waits for your call with great anticipation. A world in which the Buyer knows you’re going to call because they invited your inquiry.

So, why don’t more Sellers do more to make this imaginary world a reality? I think a lot of it is because we are too quick to move on – to the next problem, sales report or cold-call. We may need to slow it down and understand that there are opportunities right in front of us and that people – our customers – may be willing and eager to help us in our efforts.

Without question, the easiest way to acquire new business is through referrals. Unfortunately, my experience has shown that very few Sellers – less than 10% – are actively asking for referrals. The problem may be that Sellers set rules about who they can, and cannot, ask for referrals. Asking for help can be uncomfortable at first but we should look at it as if we’re providing someone with an opportunity to help someone else – us.

When Sellers do ask for referrals, it typically goes like this:

                       Who do you know that might be interested in what I sell?
                       What’s their contact information?
                       Thank you.
                       And, off we go.

But, consider this method:

                       Who do you know that might be interested in what I sell?
                       When will you be talking to them next?
                       How comfortable would you be in finding out from (prospect) what interest they have in talking to me about what I sell?
                       When should I be in touch with you for follow-up?

That’s right. We’re asking our Buyers to reach out for us. After all, whose voice speaks louder – that of the Buyer or that of the Seller? These are “our people” and it’s okay to ask them if they’ll do something for us. I believe that we should simply ask for assistance and let the Buyer take it from there.

Start asking for referrals today. Ask everyone you talk to. You may be surprised how many people are willing to help us. Oh, and a Starbucks gift card is always appreciated by someone who does something for us.

Good Selling!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System.

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