Sunday, October 10, 2010



In a perfect sales world, Sellers are, well, perfect. Talk about expectations!

So, how do we evaluate the effectiveness of Sellers? What is the measuring stick? Most managers evaluate success solely by the revenue we generate. But, its one thing to look at the results. It is quite another to prepare ourselves and our Sellers for everyday tasks and development.

Take this little test – “The Perfect World Index.” Consider it a mirror into which we can see ourselves and ask “How am I doing?”

What percentage of the time do I or my Sellers....

1. Have, and implement, a plan for the sales call?    _____%

2. Know what questions to ask in advance of the meeting? _____%

3. Ask those questions when in the meeting?   _____%

4. Open strongly and effectively?   _____%

5. Get to the decision-maker?  _____%

6. Understand the client’s decision-making process?  _____%

7. Determine exactly what the customer needs?  _____%

8. Ask for the order in an effective manner?    _____%

9. Add-on effectively? _____%

10. Able to deal with legitimate objections? _____%

11. Along with the buyer, agree on the next step?  _____%

12. Follow-through in a meaningful way? _____%

13. Manage time effectively? _____%

14. Ask for referrals?  _____%

15. Able to differentiate themselves from the competition? _____%

TOTAL _____%

Now, add it up and divide by 15 and the result is your Perfect World Index. If the number is more than 85%, things are going swimmingly. Otherwise, there is ample room for improvement. How much better can you be? How much better can your sellers be? And, what is being done about it?

If you wish, feel free to reach out and I’ll share some thoughts and other ideas that might make a difference.

How’s that sound?

Good Selling!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System.

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