Saturday, January 22, 2011




It’s one thing to sell something once. It’s quite another to be invited back again and again. Sellers who know how to “follow-up” truly differentiate themselves from the rest. One of the major reasons that Sellers don’t follow-up is that they are concerned something went wrong – which is exactly why we should be pro-active in this regard.

Effective follow-up comes in many shapes and sizes:

1. Following a proposal/bid: Always establish what the next step will be. It is not enough to “give them a couple of days” before the follow-up phone call. Let them know the specific action and the time-frame it will happen.

2. After a service or product is delivered: Always check-in to make certain that what the Buyer purchased arrived intact – confirm it was working effectively and was exactly what was expected. I always make certain that a few days following a Training Session I am on the horn doing that just that.

  • Years ago I purchased a big-screen television that, when delivered, clearly required a new and much larger, living room. Following a phone call to the Seller and visit to the store, the right TV was substituted was delivered. A few weeks later, a buddy visited and remarked how nice it was and wanted to know where I bought it. I told him, yet discouraged him from using that Seller and store. Goodness, if I’m the Seller, I make a phone call to confirm that this TV and the living room were perfect for each other. Imagine the potential for a referral when that takes place. 
3. Just checking in: Send a note and let your Buyer know that you will be in touch to see how things are going. Whether on the phone or in-person, being there when you don’t want anything says a lot about you as a person.

  • I made a phone call to check-in with a client with whom I hadn’t spoken for about six (6) months. He told me that he “had been thinking about me” and wanted to know my availability for a Training Session. I was. Pretty cool!

4. When you don’t want anything from your client. A phone call or a stop-by is appreciated for all the right reasons. Regular contact that doesn’t always relate to a sales call builds trust between the Buyer and Seller.

Go ahead. Make that call now.

What do you think?

Good Selling!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System. To be removed from distribution list, simply reply accordingly.

Saturday, January 8, 2011




There are few things as cool as having an appointment with a potential Buyer. Whether in-person or on the phone an appointment means that you are expected and the odds of a sale significantly rise. Furthermore, it is really important that we always confirm our appointments.

A few years back, I flew across the country to meet a Seller – who also had to fly into the city – to make a sales call. Be aware that this was a seasoned and very effective Seller.

I asked when was the last time he and the Buyer talked. He responded with “when we set the meeting.” He assured me that the Buyer rarely traveled and “was always in.” Of course, when we arrived for the appointment, we discovered the Buyer had indeed been called away for a business emergency. There was a severe “I told you so” look on my face as we made a quick exit.

There are Sellers and Managers who believe that confirming an appointment gives the Buyer an “out” and we risk a cancellation. I say, “good!” Why would we want to waste our time on a call when the other person has no interest?

I suggest that appointments be confirmed in writing as well as verbally. Let’s protect our time and make certain that we take advantage of a sales opportunity where the Buyer is interested in what we have to say.

What do you think?

Good Selling!

SLH Sales System “Morsels” are meant exclusively for non-commercial use by the recipient. No modifications of any kind may be made without the written permission of SLH Sales System. To be removed from distribution list, simply reply accordingly.