It’s one thing to sell something once. It’s quite another to be invited back again and again. Sellers who know how to “follow-up” truly differentiate themselves from the rest. One of the major reasons that Sellers don’t follow-up is that they are concerned something went wrong – which is exactly why we should be pro-active in this regard.
1. Following a proposal/bid: Always establish what the next step will be. It is not enough to “give them a couple of days” before the follow-up phone call. Let them know the specific action and the time-frame it will happen.
2. After a service or product is delivered: Always check-in to make certain that what the Buyer purchased arrived intact – confirm it was working effectively and was exactly what was expected. I always make certain that a few days following a Training Session I am on the horn doing that just that.
- Years ago I purchased a big-screen television that, when delivered, clearly required a new and much larger, living room. Following a phone call to the Seller and visit to the store, the right TV was substituted was delivered. A few weeks later, a buddy visited and remarked how nice it was and wanted to know where I bought it. I told him, yet discouraged him from using that Seller and store. Goodness, if I’m the Seller, I make a phone call to confirm that this TV and the living room were perfect for each other. Imagine the potential for a referral when that takes place.
3. Just checking in: Send a note and let your Buyer know that you will be in touch to see how things are going. Whether on the phone or in-person, being there when you don’t want anything says a lot about you as a person.
- I made a phone call to check-in with a client with whom I hadn’t spoken for about six (6) months. He told me that he “had been thinking about me” and wanted to know my availability for a Training Session. I was. Pretty cool!
4. When you don’t want anything from your client. A phone call or a stop-by is appreciated for all the right reasons. Regular contact that doesn’t always relate to a sales call builds trust between the Buyer and Seller.
Go ahead. Make that call now.
What do you think?
Good Selling!
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