Sunday, March 6, 2011




Sellers work hard to always be available for their clients. Because of cell phones, text messaging and e-mail, Buyers now expect, sometimes even demand, it. Selling is now a “24/7/365” job. Consequently, I hear more Sellers complain about having no time to get their work done. Unfortunately, we rarely do anything about it. Accepting a hectic schedule goes with the territory.

Time Management is the most difficult thing Sellers deal with and effectively control. Time is the only thing that we can’t make more of. The real problem might not be that “there isn’t enough time,” but how we allocate what time we have. Ironically, if most people were given an extra hour a day, they would probably use it doing the same things that are already distractions.

The first step is to understand the reality of how we spend our time.
It’s pretty cool that we use the term – “how we spend our time,” as if it is a valuable commodity, like money. Well, it is! We choose to either leverage this asset or waste it.

So, for the next three (3) work days, do the following:

·        At the top of every hour, write down what you did that hour.

·        Decide what you to need continue doing.

·        Decide what can be done by others.

·        Decide what can be done at a different time.

I bet you’ll be surprised by what you discover.

A simple rule of thumb is to spend your time doing those things that yield the greatest revenue and productivity. We need to be more cognizant of the value of our time. Take a look and if you don’t like what you’re seeing, make changes now.

What do you think?

Good Selling!

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