A “Template” is a repeatable pattern. In Selling, Templates enable us to “leverage language,” making the sales process easier. It makes sense to get to the point as quickly and powerfully as possible. I have no idea why Templates exist but they do and they make our job easier.
There’s a point in the sales process when the “asking” ceases and the “telling” begins. That is, after we understand the Buyer’s problem – the “Needem” – and are ready to present our solution – our Gottem. It’s the marriage of a Needem and a Gottem - the essence of Sales.
Unfortunately, too many Sellers are exclusively Tellers, which limits real communication. I strive to do the entire Sales process in question form, which can be difficult at first, but through practice, becomes a very powerful skill.
There are two (2) ways to accomplish this – by utilizing Chasers (Morsel #11) and through the use of Templates.
Chasers are used in the “Tell and Chase” method. The Seller does this by adding a Chaser at the end of a statement. For example – “We can deliver that by 10:00 AM tomorrow. How’s that sound?” Or, “In order to get started all we need now is a purchase order. What do you think?” We present the Gottem/solution and then add the Chaser. How much sense does that make?
The other way is to use Templates and here are my favorites:
What about....?
How about....?
What if....?
Whatever follows the Template is your suggested Gottem/solution for their situation - in question form. For example – “How about we lock in the four tickets in section 8, row 14?” Or, “What if we start small and go from there?”
So, how about using Templates right now? See how your Buyers react to your ideas on how to solve their problems. Templates are amazing!!!
What do you think?
Good Selling to you!
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