Friday, February 17, 2012




I’ve met Sellers who drive more than 50,000 miles annually within their territories. These folks view this as normal and necessary to run their business. But, goodness, that’s a lot of driving – 17 cross-country trips! Our Managers then pile-on by asking, “what are you doing in the office?” It’s as if Selling can only occur face-to-face, or not at all. What’s an efficient Seller to do?

When I ask Sellers in which areas they wish to improve,“time management” is usually at the top of the list. They tell me their days are full. What with paperwork, attending meetings, driving,  making sales calls and putting out fires. Add to that an always-on cell phone. It’s just crazy. An attendant fear is that if we don’t service them, they’ll go elsewhere (more on that another time).

Here are a number of suggestions that might help a bit and might make things run more efficiently.

Ask each client how often they want to see us in their office or on their job-site. Sometimes we get into a “milk route” mentality regarding our territories. Just because it’s Tuesday, doesn’t mean you need to be there. You may be surprised by your Buyer’s answer.

Stop planning your entire day. Just assume that something’s gonna go wrong somewhere and reserve one (1) hour daily just for that possibility. If nothing’s cooking, hit the phones and make follow-up and “dormant” account calls.

Stop enabling your most disorganized client. We all have one (1) account who regularly calls with their “hair on fire.” Handle the problem and then schedule an appointment to help them plan better. You become the beneficiary of their improved organization.

As a result we run our territory. Instead of it running us.

What do you think?

Good Selling to you!

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