Monday, March 5, 2012



Ask people on the street this question and the majority will say “born.” We’ve all heard that someone is “a born salesperson.” So what justifies this expression? What is it about Sellers that makes people think that they’re born?” After all, how many people contend that lawyers are born? How about doctors? What about an actuarial? Or, butchers? No one would ever say that these folks were “born to it.”

Now, ask Sellers what they think.  Are they born or made? The answer will almost always be “made.” Which raises the question - what is being done to “make” Sellers? Although a number of colleges and universities are offering degrees in Sales, it’s usually “on the job” or “in the field” training.

What do Sales Managers look for when hiring? And, what real Training occurs once hired? So many Managers and Sellers feel that experience will make them better at what they do. Or, they’ll “learn from their mistakes.” How else can promoting a service manager into sales, providing a company vehicle and a hearty “good luck,” lead to becoming an effective Seller? Actually, this is the least efficient way to learn. We end up working without a net, wasting time and spoiling the possibilities with awful sales calls.

There are number of things Managers can do to help “make” their Sellers better right now (See Morsel #45).

Sellers can begin to do these things:
                       Ask their clients how well they’re being served.
                       Ask their clients what they’re not doing, but ought to.
                       Ask their clients what they’re doing, but should stop.
                       Start audio-taping their phone calls – the Seller’s end only, not the Buyer’s – and then analyze.
                       Start video-tape role-playing sales situations with colleagues.

If indeed, Sellers are made, let’s continue to make good ones.

What do you think?

Good Selling to you!

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